24. Aug. 2007 | von munich2007.de

The Press Area at the Rowing World Championships 2007

Working conditions, Accommodation and Contacts

At the Rowing World Championships this year in Munich-Oberschleissheim, from 26th August to 2nd September, approximately 300 accredited sports journalists from all over the world are expected at the Press and Media Area. In order to be able to offer good working conditions to all the print media, radio and TV representatives, all of the space which up until now has been used as a grandstand restaurant and a lecture room will be converted into a media centre. Half of the designated work stations will be in the media centre itself, and the other half under the roofed part of the grandstand with a view of the finish area and of the 70m² video screen on the opposite bank. In the rooms in the media centre there will be televisions which can be used to follow the races.

The work stations will be kitted out with DSL broadband internet connection with 3 Mbit/s in multiple reserve constructions. The media area is also kitted out remotely with two independent wireless nodes, each of which will provide a transmission rate of 54 Mbit/s, so peak loads will be well cushioned. With the reserve specifications of all nodes a constant internet supply should be ensured.

ISDN and analogue connections will also be installed at the work stations for automatic internet connection. These has been available at the World Cup events in Munich so far and meet the standard for FISA, the International Rowing Federation. The number of connections and the capacity for concurrent connections has been considerably increased for the World Championships.

There will be designated areas for the photographers, and according to previous declaration at the media centre there will also be transport to the start area provided, as well as a car share service for race chaperones.

And given the facilities so far in the grandstand restaurant, the accredited media representatives will also be provided with drinks and snacks.

The media centre will be open daily from 7am – 9pm. There will also be bus connections to the media hotels, the Holiday Inn and the Star Inn in the Leopoldstrasse in Munich, these will also run outside the competition time at regular intervals between 6.30am and 8.30pm. Please pay attention to the timetable and the announcements at the media centre.

Hotel reservations for media representatives can be made at this webiste: www.munich2007.de/Presse/Hotels. These reservations will be carried out directly through the Munich Hotel Organisation. If you have any questions, please call Ms Wittkopf at: +49-8142-444 615.

The accreditation is taking place exclusively through FISA, the International Rowing Federation at:

www.worldrowing.com .

On-site contacts are:

Frank Heidenhain (Strategic Manager), Tel. 089-23998673, Mobile 0160-92867690; E-mail:

Cora Zillich (Assistant Strategic Manager), Tel. 0441-8031800, Mobile 0174-3222528; E-mail: 


We already wish all of the media representatives a good arrival in Munich and a pleasant stay in the Bavarian capital. The team at the press centre have set a goal to provide the best possible working conditions. If we can be of any assistance at all in the run-up, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Frank Heidenhain

Cora Zillich

Strategic Manager

Assistant Strategic Manager