2nd Open German Indoor Rowing Championship

2nd Open German Indoor Rowing Championships

The official German Indoor Rowing Championships are restricted to members of the German Rowing Federation. Thus, we decided to create the Open German Indoor Rowing Championships to enable non-rowers and foreign athletes to participate in this competition. The Open German Indoor Rowing CHmapionships are the overall ranking of both non-german and german athletes and thus cover the official German Indoor Rowing Championships as well.

For the Under 15-year-old children, the German Rowing Youth (DRJ) open their races to the international youth as well.

Entries can be entered via this registration form:


Race Distances

Under 15 1.000m
Junior B (Under 17) 1.500m
Junior A (Under 19) 2.000m
Senior 2.000m
Masters 1.000m


Schedule and Draw

Technical Prerequisites

For participating, a Concept2 rowing machine as well as a computer with a stable internet connection is required.

Rowing machines of other manufacturers are currently not supported.

Minimum Requirements Rowing Machine

Manufacturer Concept2

PM3, PM4, PM5

(Latest firmware version recommended)


Minimum Requirements Computer

Operating System

Windows 8.1, MacOS 10.11, Chrome OS

Installed Software

Google Chrome (min.Version 78 recommended)

Interfaces USB 2.0, Ethernet
Internet Connection 

Ethernet (recommended), WiFi

Connection Cables USB 2.0 A/B cable to connect rowing machine and computer

The software provider recommends to use the latest version of Google Chrome as well as the latest firmware of the Concept2 performance monitors.

Concept2 offers manuals to update the firmware:


Additional information, especially about technical details, can be found in the competitors’ information.


For any open questions, please contact us directly via indoor2022@rudern.de.


Organisationskomitee Indoor2022

Organisational Committee Indoor 2022